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June 1st Brookside Ticket
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June 2nd Brookside TIcket
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StreetMeet is a community driven organization founded March 2015 in Washington, D.C.

Our mission is to bring together communities of diverse image creators through free and paid networking events. 

Since 2015 we have expanded to include California, Washington, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Maryland as host states for StreetMeet communities. 

How does it work?

We don’t like to complicate things. We schedule meetups on a monthly basis for creatives of all levels throughout the city and/or state to link up and create. Each month we provide a FREE meetup to attend. With the exception of special events, we want this experience to be as accessible to as many people as possible.

Once at the meet, the rules and guidelines will be laid out by the hosts and will vary depending on the location but for the most part its pretty simple. Show up, meet people, create some cool content together, and if you’re lucky, you may make some awesome friends and potential collaborators along the way!

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The Drinkmeet Podcast

Discussing all things photography and more.